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What Is Ediscovery?

A modern lawyer’s guide to electronic evidence in litigation and investigations

The Basics of Ediscovery

In today's digital age, the majority of legal work has transitioned online. This move has made the exchange, review, and collaboration of information predominantly virtual. As a result, electronic discovery, commonly referred to as "ediscovery", has become an integral part of the litigation process. But what exactly is ediscovery? It's the process of sharing and reviewing electronically stored information (ESI) during discovery. The types of electronic data considered as discoverable ESI are vast. They range from metadata and electronic documents to audio and video files. Even communication channels, such as emails, voicemails, instant messaging chats, and information found on social media platforms or websites, fall under the ediscovery umbrella

How Ediscovery Works With Everlaw

Everlaw is a cloud-based ediscovery platform that enables teams to collaboratively discover information, illuminate its underlying structure, and act on those insights. Built with legal professionals in mind, Everlaw streamlines the ediscovery process by automating tasks that previously required manual intervention, resulting in lower costs while improving the efficiency and quality of legal work. This means that legal teams can utilize this ediscovery technology to create greater efficiency in their review while ensuring consistency, ultimately lowering costs.

More Use Cases

Internal Investigations

An internal investigation occurs when there is employee or human resources wrongdoing, an intellectual property dispute, or a regulatory compliance inquiry. Everlaw helps facilitate these investigations by assisting investigators to efficiently locate and organize relevant evidence and build a compelling narrative.

Data Privacy Requests

Obtaining and supplying documents through the FOIA can be difficult, and the backlog of public records requests continues to grow. Additionally, processing DSARs while ensuring CCPA compliance can be tedious. Everlaw helps a complex process run smoother by giving agencies and journalists the freedom to pursue and comply with FOIA requests.

Building a Case

After a lengthy review, the situation gets more challenging when teams move on to crafting timelines, argument outlines, and lists of questions. Everlaw’s Storybuilder enables teams to collaboratively organize relevant documents into a compelling body of evidence on the same unified platform where the review took place.

Who Needs Ediscovery?

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Law Firms

An easy-to-use ediscovery platform that protects sensitive client data and enables cohesive work across all phases of ediscovery, from document review to trial preparations, is essential for practicing the law remotely.

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Internal legal teams have critical functions within corporations, such as conducting internal investigations, which require an ediscovery platform with technology that streamlines all aspects of the litigation and investigations process, from uploads to processing and review to analytics.

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State & Local Gov

State and local entities are dealing with growing data sizes and more demanding workloads. As a result, an ediscovery platform with predictable pricing and modern document discovery technology is needed to handle everything from FOIA requests to complex litigation.

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Federal Government

Smart, intuitive cloud-native ediscovery technology means federal agencies no longer need to focus on managing storage and servers or spend time upgrading outdated tools. Agencies can work self-sufficiently from processing through post-review collaboration on one integrated platform.

Transform Your Approach to Litigation and Investigations


Bring simplicity to the complexity of ediscovery with cloud-native technology designed for the 21st century.


Early Case Assessment

Quickly find what matters and remove the rest. Everlaw users slash documents promoted to active review by 74% with ECA.


Internal Investigations

Leverage powerful discovery tech for faster response in cyber breaches, whistleblower actions, subpoenas, audits, and more.


Trial Preparation

Unlock the collaborative power of your team with comprehensive deposition and trial preparation tools.
