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This constitutes the Modern Slavery Act statement for actions and activities during the financial year February 1, 2023 to January 31, 2024 for Everlaw, Inc., a Delaware, U.S. corporation and its wholly owned subsidiary Everlaw UK Limited, a UK company, company number 11536260 (together “Everlaw”). References to “we” or “our” in this statement are references to Everlaw.

  • Everlaw opposes modern slavery and human trafficking in all forms and supports both the UK and the U.S. Governments’ efforts prohibiting trafficking in persons.

  • We are committed to high standards of ethics and integrity in conducting our business.

  • We do not tolerate any form of slavery, forced labor, or human trafficking in any part of our business or supply chains.

  • We aim to ensure that our supply chains are free from slavery, forced labor, and human trafficking.

Organizational structure and supply chains

Everlaw, Inc. is a Delaware corporation, headquartered in Oakland, U.S. with additional offices in Washington DC, U.S., New York, U.S. and London, UK. Everlaw provides a cloud-native investigation and litigation legal technology platform specializing in electronic discovery.

Our supply chains include, but are not limited to, other software companies, suppliers of office and IT equipment, recruitment agencies, office cleaning, catering, snack, and beverage services, travel services, and professional services such as lawyers and accountants.

Policies in relation to slavery and human trafficking

Everlaw’s Code of Conduct sets out our opposition to modern slavery and human trafficking in all forms and our support for both the UK and the U.S. Governments’ efforts prohibiting modern slavery and trafficking in persons.

  • Our Code of Conduct, which includes a section related to anti-slavery, provides that Everlaw employees and our agents will not engage in any form of trafficking in persons, including the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for labor or services, through the use of force, fraud, or coercion for the purpose of subjection to involuntary servitude, debt bondage, or slavery and sex trafficking and our employees, contractors, suppliers, and agents should report any suspicion of trafficking.

  • Our Partner Standards of Conduct set out our expectations to our business partners, which includes resellers, referral partners, agents, subcontractors, technology partners, and any third parties acting on Everlaw’s behalf or for Everlaw’s benefit. These expectations include our Everlaw values, and commitments to fair employment practices and no forced labor.

  • Should employees be unsure about modern slavery or human trafficking risk, they are able to consult any member of our Leadership Team, Human Resources, or the Legal Team. Our contractors, suppliers, and agents are encouraged to raise concerns with Everlaw’s Legal Team. We also have the Everlaw Integrity Line where employees and third parties including vendors can raise issues. Our Code of Conduct also provides details of how to contact the Global Human Trafficking Hotline. Retaliation against an individual who has reported a violation will not be tolerated.

Risk assessment and due diligence processes

We assess our supply contracts by size and risk profile as part of our procurement processes. Vendors outside of the U.S. are automatically flagged to our Corporate Compliance Team. We also conduct risk based reputational due diligence against our business partners. Due to the nature of our business, our procurement processes, and our straightforward supply chains, we believe that there is a very low risk of slavery, forced labor, or human trafficking in any part of our business or our supply chains. To date, we have not discovered any modern slavery in our supply chains.

Internal awareness on modern slavery and trafficking

Employees are trained on and acknowledge our Code of Conduct annually. As noted above, this includes guidance on how to report concerns.

  • Internal discussions and awareness raising has been held across key groups, including Human Resources, Corporate Compliance, and Procurement. Additional training specific to modern slavery and trafficking has been given to our Procurement and Facilities Operations Teams.

Board approval

This statement was approved by the Everlaw Board of Directors on March 26, 2024, who delegated to the Chief Executive Officer authority to sign it on behalf of the Board of Directors.

AJ Shankar
Chief Executive Officer
Everlaw, Inc.